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Working with the Light
My observations of humanity have lead me to think that humanity is comprised of many different soul groups incarnating together in the...
The Time of The Black Jaguar
An Indigenous Creation Myth, the Dark Times and the Coming of a New Earth ~ from The Time of The Black Jaguar by Arkan Lushwala In the...
The Spiritual Path In The Modern Era
There is some indication now that we are moving into a post-secular age, where the notion of a spiritual path may become more attractive...
The Two Matrixes
A matrix describes an underlying medium or lattice in which larger objects are embedded. In cultural terms it is the socio-political...
The Eternal Dance of Yin & Yang
In all of life, wherever we look, if we look openly, we see evidence of the dance of eternal opposites; in the cycle of day and night,...
Following the Signs & Prophecies: The Birth of a New Era
The 2012 Mayan calendar end date, originally heralded by José Argüelles in the early 90s, didn’t fail as some might think. It marked a...
Thoth's Prophecy on Egypt
The following prophecy comes from Hermes Trismegistus. The original is lost, but this fragment appeared in a book called Hermetica...
Human Spiritual Nature and the Individuation Journey
Is some form of a spiritual life essential for an optimised life?
Individuation, Self-Realisation and the Fulfillment of Life-Potential
What is Individuation? The notion of individuation can be a challenge to fully grasp. The word itself was used as far back as the 17th...